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I am the illegitimate daughter of art and science.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thanks World.

  • Number fifteen of the list is officially to never forget what is was like to be this age, and sympathize as I get older.

I've now been a victim of age discrimination and it sucks; this is the reason for my number fifteen on the bucket list. As I've said in previous posts, I have been trying to move out. Something happened that I couldn't move into the 1 bed/1 bath I lined up, but Dave (the landlord) has been kind enough to point out other 1 bed/ 1 baths in town. Well, he found a wonderful one for $328 a month right down the street from his apartments. Well, I get there to talk to the landlord, and she refuses (nothing legal to do with it) to rent to anyone under 21, ironically the legal age to get shit-faced. Wonderful right? She knows nothing about me, so she decides to draw of her conclusions based on a stereotype. The worst part, to me, is that it's not like she's never been 18 before, she had to have been at one point in her long life. And yet she can not sympathize, not even attempt to find out if I'm her stereotypical teenager. Little does she know, I've lived a bit more than the average 25 year old in some respects, but she wouldn't take the energy or effort to learn that. But I guess that's life.

"Don't trust anyone over the age of 30." -Jerry Rubin

Friday, March 4, 2011

This Again.

So, it's been a while. Since the last post, I apologize about that, I'm trying to move out and I'm trying to decide if I want to go with a roomie or not. Comment with advice, bad stories, etc.

Anywho, the title would be "this again" because I've gone and done it again: I've gone and marked myself for life, yet again. And it's gorgeous.
Yes, I know. Mostly Science. Whatever.

And on top of the moving out, I'm trying to make this gorgeous vision I have of a dress into reality. Which is rather complicated...

Anywho, I was wondering, what do you want to do before you die?

"You see things; and you say, "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?""
George Bernard Shaw